
Terms and Conditions of Use

This website is managed by Shinsho Corporation (“the Corporation E. Please read the following terms and conditions of use before using this website, and use this website only if you agree to these terms and conditions of use. By accessing this website, we regard that you agree to these terms and conditions.

Recommended Environment

The following environment is recommended to best view this website. The website has been designed so that it supports as many browsers as possible. However there are cases when viewing of the site is not possible if an environment older than recommended is used or if JavaScript and style sheets are not supported. Optimal viewing is possible if the latest version of the browser is used. In addition, in viewing some of the content, the latest version of browser and plug-in software are necessary.

●Recommended web browser
For Windows OS, the latest official version of each of the following
Microsoft Edge
Google Chrome

For macOS, the latest official version of each of the following

For Android OS, the latest official version of each of the following
Google Chrome

For iOS, the latest official version of each of the following
Google Chrome


A plug-in is external software which expands functionality that is not included in standard browser software. The content provided on this website can best be used by installing the following plug-ins.

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This website uses PDF files on some pages. To view this content, you need to have the Adobe Reader installed. You may download in the Adobe Reader free of charge from the banner on the right.

This website uses JavaScript for some pages. When using these services, make sure that JavaScript is enabled on your browser.


SSL (Secured Socket Layer) encryption technology is used on this website for pages that require the entry of personal information so that customers can safely enter their personal information. With SSL the data entered is transmitted to its destination after it has been encrypted on the server.

Copyright Protection

The content on this website is an asset of the Corporation and/or the author and it is protected by the Copyright Act. Copying, reprinting, alteration, redistribution, misuse or translating into another language a portion or this entire website without prior consent is strictly prohibited.


Use of this website shall be at the user's own risk. The Corporation shall not in any way be liable or bear any responsibility for any losses or damages resulting from the use of this website.


In cases in which there are links contained on this website to other websites managed by third parties, the Corporation shall not in any way be liable or bear any responsibility for any inconveniences, losses or damages resulting from the use of these websites.


The following actions are prohibited even if there is prior written consent from the Corporation or if using the content on the website for private use within the scope viewed to be expressly approved by law.

●Any act which damages or may damage the assets or privacy of a third party or the Corporation.

●Any act which causes or may cause disadvantage, loss or damage to a third party or the Corporation.

●Any act which defames the honor or trust enjoyed by a third party or the Corporation.

●Any act which violates or may violates any other legal acts, laws or ordinances.

●Any other acts that are judged to be inappropriate by the Corporation.

●Any act that is or may be offensive to public order and morals.

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