
Initiatives to Nurture Human Resources

We are working to develop the human resources capable of making appropriate proposals for customers anywhere around the world.

1.The vision for its business that Shinsho Corporation has pursued

・Amid significant changes in the business environment, we have continued to set our sights on sustainable growth by promoting the transformation of our business to maintain and increase our competitiveness and provide new value.

・Specifically, as both a core trading company of the KOBELCO Group and a trading company that supports manufacturing for tomorrow and contributes to society, we aim to change the targets and methods for providing value and continue to enhance our conventional businesses.

The vision for its business that Shinsho Corporation has pursuedThe vision for its business that Shinsho Corporation has pursued
Key points for the realization of the vision for the business
  • Imagine potential needs
  • Trial and error with no preconceptions
  • Maximize stakeholder value

2.Relationships between the five growth stages and each grade

・In the new education system, the steps for growth have been designed by dividing each grade into five stages to foster a culture that encourages continued learning.

・Each grade is linked to a number of stages, and each stage has a theme to be focused on.

Relationships between the five growth stages and each grade
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Relationships between the five growth stages and each grade

3.Key points for new human resources development

・The new education system aims to foster a culture that encourages employees to proactively learn and act.

・"A culture that encourages employees to proactively learn and act" means that employees understand and increase their role at each stage following the practice → skill acquisition → review cycle repeatedly in their daily work on the premise that they maintain their basic motivation to develop themselves. Through these processes, we will cultivate specialists and create new value.

    • Point 1
    • Maintain their basic motivation to develop themselves (goals)
    • Point 2
    • Step up gradually along with their role in each stage
    • Point 3
    • Continuously follow the growth cycle*
      *Growth cycle = practice → skill acquisition → review → practice

4.Details of training for professional groups and employees for global-based positions

Details of training for professional groups and employees for global-based positions
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Details of training for professional groups and employees for global-based positions

5.Details of the area-based staff training

Details of the area-based staff training
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Details of the area-based staff training
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