Corporate History

Corporate History

Today’s rapidly changing world comes with new demands and requires new business functions.
Never forgetting the aspirations of our founders,
Shinsho will continue to develop as a trusted corporation that contributes to the wellbeing of society.

  1. The first manufacturer-affiliated trading company after WWII

    From 1946

    The first manufacturer-affiliated trading company after WWII

    “The time is coming when trading companies will lead manufacturers. Manufacturers will need direct connections with their own specialized trading companies if they want to follow their own course.”
    This idea, conceived by Chohei Asada, the sixth president of Kobe Steel, came to fruition in 1946 with the birth of the Taihei Corporation (precursor to Shinsho Corporation), the first manufacturer-affiliated trading company in postwar Japan.

    The first manufacturer-affiliated trading company after WWII
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    1. Domestic base
      November 1946
      Taihei Corporation founded in Kitahama, Osaka, capitalized at 2.5 million yen.
    2. Tokyo Branch (now Tokyo Head Office) also opened.
    3. Domestic base
      May 1948
      Nagoya Office (now Nagoya Branch Office) opened.
    4. Domestic base
      March 1954
      Toyama Office (now Hokuriku Branch) opened.
    5. Domestic base
      May 1954
      Fukuoka Office (now Kyushu Branch office) opened.
    6. Domestic base
      March 1955
      Sendai Office (now Tohoku Branch) opened.
    7. Domestic base
      May 1955
      Kure Office (now Chugoku Branch) opened.
    8. M&A
      April 1957
      Operational rights to Senwa Sangyo Co., Ltd. acquired.
    9. Domestic base
      July 1957
      Sapporo Office (now Sapporo Branch) opened.
    10. M&A
      October 1959
      Yuasa Corporation acquired.
  2. Osaka Shinko Building
    Osaka Shinko Building
    The Shinsho American Corporation
    The Shinsho American Corporation


    Changed company name, listed in the Tokyo Stock Exchange, established the first overseas office (USA)

    In 1960, the 14th year after the company was founded, the name was changed from Taihei Corporation to Shinsho Corporation. The Chinese character “shin” is the first character for the name of Kobe, and thus symbolizes Kobe Steel. The character “sho” means “trade.” The new name reflected the company’s ambition to become the core trading company of the Kobe Steel Group. In 1961, Shinsho Corporation listed in the Second Section of the Tokyo Stock Exchange. Seven years later in 1968, it listed in the First Section of the Tokyo Stock Exchange.

    Concurrently, Shinsho Corporation began its overseas expansion in earnest. The Shinsho American Corporation was established in 1966. Sales for the first fiscal year of operation reached $1.19 million.

    Osaka Shinko Building
    Osaka Shinko Building
    The Shinsho American Corporation
    he Shinsho American Corporation
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    1. Other
      June 1960
      Company name changed to Shinsho Corporation.
    2. Other
      August 1961
      Shinsho Corporation listed in the Second Section of the Tokyo Stock Exchange.
    3. Domestic base
      April 1964
      Shizuoka Office (now Shizuoka Branch) opened.
    4. Overseas base
      August 1966
      The Shinsho American Corporation
      (now Shinsho American Corporation) established.
    5. Other
      August 1968
      Shinsho Corporation is listed in the First Section of the Tokyo Stock Exchange.
    6. Other
      September 1970
      Shinsho Corporation shares selected as a margin trading issue.
    7. Domestic base
      April 1973
      Kakogawa Office (now Kakogawa Branch) opened.
    8. Other
      October 1975
      Capitalization increased to 3,930 million yen.
    9. Other
      June 1977
      System of two head offices adopted, one in Osaka and one in Tokyo.
    10. Domestic base
      April 1980
      Tokuyama Office opened.
    11. Domestic base
      July 1982
      Shinsho Metal Processing Corp. (now Shinsho Non-Ferrous Metals Corp.) established.
    12. Domestic base
      January 1986
      Shinsho Metal Products Corporation (now Shinsho Steel Products Corporation) established.
    13. Domestic base
      February 1987
      Kobe Branch Office opened.
  3. Thai Escorp Ltd.
    Thai Escorp Ltd.

    From 1987

    Expansion of overseas bases
    (Southeast Asia and Oceania)

    Form the late 1980s into the 1990s, we vastly expanded our global network. Thai Escorp Ltd. was established in 1988 at a time when Thailand was experiencing rapid development. The company has continued to achieve notable results in such fields as welding material supply, as well as copper tube and aluminum material supply to Japanese-owned air conditioner manufacturers. We also established local branches in Malaysia in 1987, Singapore in 1990, and Australia in 1996.

    Thai Escorp Ltd.
    Thai Escorp Ltd.
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    1. Overseas base
      September 1987
      Shinsho (Malaysia) Sdn. Bhd. established.
    2. Overseas base
      May 1988
      Thai Escorp Ltd. established.
    3. Overseas base
      February 1990
      Shinko Shoji Singapore Pte. Ltd. established.
    4. Overseas base
      November 1992
      Taiwan Shinsho Corporation established.
    5. Overseas base
      November 1996
      Shinsho Australia Pty. Ltd. (now Kobelco Trading Australia Pty Ltd) established.
    6. Overseas base
      April 1998
      Shanghai Shinsho Trading Co., Ltd. established.
    7. Other
      September 1998
      Shinsho Business Support Co., Ltd. established.
    8. Other
      October 2000
      Certified as compliant with ISO 14001 environmental management criteria.
    9. Overseas base
      November 2001
      Shinsho Meihoku Wire, Inc. established.
    10. Overseas base
      January 2002
      Grand Blanc Processing, L.L.C. acquired.
    11. Overseas base
      January 2005
      Shinsho Korea Co., Ltd. established.
    12. Overseas base
      August 2005
      Shinsho (Philippines) Corporation established.
    13. Other
      January 2006
      Capitalization increased to 5,650 million yen.
  4. Shanghai Shinsho Trading Co., Ltd.
    Shanghai Shinsho Trading Co., Ltd.
    Shinsho Corporation Tokyo Head Office
    Shinsho Corporation Tokyo Head Office
    Shinsho Corporation Osaka Head Office
    Shinsho Corporation Osaka Head Office

    From 2006

    Continued expanding with overseas bases (China and Europe) and strengthened operating income

    Established in 2006, Kobelco Trading (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. is a wholly owned subsidiary of Shinsho Corporation that has trading, exporting, and importing rights in Shanghai. It was established to accommodate the market expansion that has accompanied China’s rapid economic growth.

    In the 2010s, we began proactive M&A and business investment activities with our subsidiaries Shinsho Metals Corporation and SC Welding Corporation. We continue to strengthen our operating income to support global expansion while seeking out ways to fortify our global businesses as a core company within the Kobe Steel Group.

    Kobelco Trading (Shanghai) Co., Ltd.
    Kobelco Trading (Shanghai) Co., Ltd.
    right:Shinsho Corporation Tokyo Head Office,left:Shinsho Corporation Osaka Head Office
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    1. Overseas base
      June 2006
      Suzhou Shinko-Shoji Material Co., Ltd. established.
    2. Overseas base
      September 2006
      Kobelco Trading (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. established.
    3. Overseas base
      March 2007
      TES E &M Service Co., Ltd. established.
    4. Overseas base
      January 2009
      Shinsho Europe GmbH established.
    5. Overseas base
      July 2010
      Middle East Representative Office opened.
    6. Overseas base
      October 2010
      Kobelco Precision Parts (Suzhou) Co., Ltd. established.
    7. Overseas base
      March 2011
      Kobelco Trading India Private Limited established.
    8. Overseas base
      May 2011
      PT. Kobelco Trading Indonesia established.
    9. Overseas base
      June 2011
      Kobelco Trading Vietnam Co., Ltd. established.
    10. M&A
      December 2011
      Matsubo Corporation acquired.
    11. Overseas base
      January 2013
      Shinsho Osaka Seiko (Nantong) Corporation established.
    12. Overseas base
      April 2013
      Shinsho Mexico S.A. de C.V. established.
    13. M&A
      July 2014
      Kobelco Tsutsunaka Trading Co., Ltd.
      (currently SHINSHO METALS CORPORATION) acquired as subsidiary.
    14. Overseas base
      July 2015
      KTN Co., Ltd acquired as subsidiary.
    15. Overseas base
      July 2015
      Aiken Wire Processing, L.L.C. established.
    16. M&A
      January 2016
      Nakayama Corporation (currently SHINSHO METALS CORPORATION) acquired as subsidiary.
    17. M&A
      April 2016
      SC Welding Corporation acquired as subsidiary.
    18. Overseas base
      May 2016
      Sydney Office opened.
    19. Overseas base
      Brisbane Office opened.
    20. M&A
      April 2017
      Acquired a 40% stake in Morimoto Kosan Co., Ltd.
    21. M&A
      July 2019
      Kobelco Tsutsunaka Trading Co., Ltd. merged with Nakayama Corporation and changed the name with SHINSHO METALS CORPORATION.
    22. Domestic base
      September 2019
      Tokyo head office relocated.
    23. Overseas base
      March 2021
    24. M&A
      September 2021
      KOBELCO PRECISION PARTS (YANGZHOU) CO., LTD. acquired as subsidiary.
    25. Other
      April 2022
      Prime Market transferred.
    26. Overseas base
      February 2023
      KTN METAL VIETNAM CO., LTD. established.
    27. M&A
      October 2023
      INAGAKI-SHOUTEN Co. Ltd. acquired as subsidiary.
    28. Other
      April 2024
    29. M&A
      April 2024
      NIPPON GRANULATOR CO., LTD. acquired as subsidiary.
    30. Other
      June. 2024
      Shift to a company with an audit and supervisory committee.
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