We are building supply chains in the automobile industry, from sales of source materials to secondary processing and sales, and also parts manufacture and sales. Our product quality is widely acclaimed in the industry. We are planning to widen our activities, including moving into the energy field.。
With Shinsho American Corporation as its main investor, Grand Blanc Processing undertakes secondary processing of steel wire and wire products, with order books currently swelling for fastener-use materials for auto parts makers. We are actively addressing expanding needs through cooperation with the Kobe Steel Group as production facilities are increased.
Shinsho-Meihoku Wire is largely a warehousing business handling materials for auto production. We stock and deliver materials traded by Shinsho American Corporation for Japanese auto parts makers, to meet our customers’ just-in-time production schedules. Customers benefit by avoiding excess production.
Shinsho Mexico’ s strength lies in our ability to supply wire material and steel rods for auto manufacturing at an appropriate quality and price for on-time delivery. We are also able to market a broad selection of steel materials from Kobe Steel and other manufacturers around the world, including the US, Mexico and China.