Ferrous & Recycling Materials Unit

Promoting RPF sales to contribute to a circular society

December 15, 2021

Using recycled materials = Using industrial waste processes to fulfill our social mission

The Ferrous Raw Materials Division continues its work of making significant contributions to the development of core industries while promoting the use of renewable materials to increase our contributions towards the creation of a circular society. Promoting RPF* sales is a part of that plan. RPF* is a high-quality solid fuel primarily comprised of hard to recycle materials like used paper, waste plastics, thinned wood, construction waste, and other such industrial waste products. By promoting the sale of RPF*, we aim to fulfill our mission from a both a recycling and industrial waste processing perspective. This contributes both to the peaceful existence of local governments and people as well at the nation's energy mix (increasing the use of renewable energy, etc.).

*RPF: Refuse derived paper and plastics densified Fuel

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